meniscus tear running reddit

meniscus tear running reddit

I tore my meniscus when I tore my ACL, but that was almost 20 years ago, and I wasn't really running at the time. Had surgery to trim the tear and started running again about two months after the operation. Injuries to the lateral meniscus are less common than medial meniscus injuries, and may occur in combination with injuries to other structures of the knee, such as the cruciate or collateral ligaments. A lateral meniscus tear, is an injury to the meniscus (cartilage tissue) that is located on the outside (outer aspect) of the knee. I had a "minor" tear in my left meniscus. I just had a medial meniscus tear surgery last Tuesday. Therefore, applying a deep heat modality to stimulate blood flow to the cartilage should in time, help in preservation of the tissue and in rebuilding of the some of the tissue as well. Having surgery for a meniscus tear might end a runner's career. tariq st patrick instagram SERVICE. These tears tend to be degenerative tears, possibly (but not proven to be) associated with a long running career. What should bother runners like you, however, is if an increase in your activity level hikes up the pain. Most runners can return to running despite having a meniscus tear. I am 37 and have been running for about 6 years full time. As that cartilage erodes away our bones become exposed, and when the bones on opposing sides of the joint rub together… it hurts — occasionally it hurts A LOT. Universal for men & women. #9. So after a year of on an off knee pain with 2 physical therapists opinions, I've got to concede to the fact that I may have a slight meniscus tear. About 10 years later, I had it 'scoped. Otherwise it might require surgery if it's bothering you. This applies to acute or traumatic injuries. Degenerative, where your meniscus tore simply because it wore out. A meniscus is a cushioning disc found within our knee. I was lucky to have an extremely fast and effective recovery and I credit this to the surgeon, physio, my diet and taking time off work to focus on recovery. Other symptoms of a meniscus tear include: Pain when squatting or running Stiffness and swelling Catching, popping or locking of the knee Limited range of motion They do not really have much blood flow to them to heal. The meniscus is a special thick layer of cartilage that lines the knee joint providing cushioning and support. The good news is that runners have a lower rate of knee arthritis than the general population, so hopefully I'm doing myself a favor by running. Recovery will take about 6 to 8 weeks if your meniscus tear is treated conservatively, without surgery. Meniscus tears can be tricky. Meniscus tear treatment aims to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with a knee cartilage tear as well as restore strength, flexibility and function. Yes, you could worsen your injuries if you don't hit the brakes. Runners and meniscus tears: Meniscus tears can present in two different ways in runners. Widely used in many sports such as Running, Weightlifting, Jogging, Squats, Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis and more! It was like vise pinching pain with every step. The meniscus is a cartilage washer situated between the femur (thigh bone) and tibia (large shin bone); a meniscus is located on the inside (medial) and outside (lateral) aspects of each knee. Can be quite painful. I was a little hesitant because aside from my wisdom teeth this was my first ever surgery. The meniscus is the primary shock absorber in our knee. To start, there's no locking, giving way, or. Most of these tears do not require surgery. Over a year later and I'm running, playing hockey and I even played beach volleyball this week. I fell and tore the meniscus in my left knee in two places. This study also showed that pain relief was higher in the stem cell-treated meniscus tear group. The tear resulted in part of the meniscus rolling up under the knee cap. Tears of the meniscus can occur in a variety of orientations (as pictured below) and can vary in severity. We actually have two menisci within each knee. The cause of meniscal tears falls under two broad categories: Acute, thus following an injury. In our last Expert Series post we explored the cause of most meniscus tears. The meniscus is a C-shaped structure in the knee. Full tear of ACL, MCL and partial tear of PCL and meniscus. The inner 2/3rds doesn't have much blood going to it. But the surgery was very straightforward. You can strengthen the muscles around your knee to support the joint but don't damage the cartilage further. A torn meniscus is one of the most common causes of knee pain. In January 2014 a preliminary, but exciting study revealed that a single injection of stem cells may help certain patients regrow a portion of the meniscus which was removed at the time of surgery. These patients often require surgery involves trimming the torn part of the cartilage in order to reduce knee pain. Strenuous exercise can tear the meniscus, a layer of cartilage in the knee — and certain gentle exercises may help with recovery. Surgery does not fix the tear itself. Approximately 42% of running injuries affect the knee. Never torn my meniscus, but am the recent recipient of a herniated disc in my L4/L5 that is pinching a nerve root causing sciatic symptoms plus a couple of bulging discs. familiar spirits in dreams 楽スル「SPEED」 〜複数販路多店舗展開システム〜 bojangles fish sandwich 楽スル「BiZDELi」 〜輸入代行・顧客直送〜 There are two types of causes for meniscus tears, especially in individuals 50 and up. And it's a good option when all else fails. This can include stepping out of the car wrong, landing in a strange position, or taking a fall. Kept that up for a few years and stayed away from running more than 30-min or so every few weeks. . The first is an acute injury, meaning something suddenly caused the meniscus to tear, strain, or stress. It's just one of the things we can do for a patient with a tear if it doesn't get better with non-operative treatment. Like running on a curved road and suddenly feeling a "pop" in your knee, for example. Continuing to walk could potentially worsen the meniscus tear in some situations. Most meniscus tears, especially in runners tend to occur along the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. After the time off, ease into the leg exercises, again doing things that do not cause pain. Your menisci takes this weight and disperses the pressure more evenly to minimize stress. After like 14-16 weeks of PT, I got a return to running program. When I was in my early 20s, I slammed my knee really, really hard, tearing the meniscus. Meniscus tears in runners are very common. The first symptoms of a meniscus tear will usually be the feeling of popping in the knee when the injury occurs. Each knee contains two menisci. There is a medial are a lateral meniscus that function to provide cushioning to the knee and to support rotational movements. Knee arthroscopy is just a treatment for degenerative meniscus tears. I gave up running entirely. Stop walking will decrease the strength of leg muscles, which may increase the difficulty of recovery. Meniscus tears are usually indicated by swelling, and pain when twisting the knee or foot to the side. 1 Obviously, the menisci play an important role in knee movements, as well as in protecting the knees against wear and tear. That being said, meniscus tears are often accompanied by pain, so it isn't necessarily the most telling symptom. A meniscus tear is a very common source of pain. Overuse injuries as a result of prolonged and intense training, inappropriate footwear, and hazardous terrain are more common than acute injuries like sprains and strains. Based on my experience you will get a lot of relief from surgery if the pain is from a torn meniscus. Had torn parts of meniscus scoped (not repaired), hamstring tissue for the ACL reconstruction. It didn't seem to do anything. Mar 16, 2011. I had hardly any pain during the recovery and by day 2 I was walking around the house on it. Meniscus tears are fairly common; research suggests that around 61. We knee sleeves apply stable support across your knees joint and afford a full range of motion, significant pain relief for meniscus tear, arthritis, joint pain, injury recovery. Healing depends on where the tear is located - the outer 1/3 of each meniscus has a decent blood supply so it's more likely to heal on its own, with rest. Took about a year for everything to feel normal again. Worked through just ignoring and doing less impactful things, like spinning and kickboxing (oddly enough). We actually have two menisci. Then a few years after that, with the permission of another doctor, I started doing some really obsessive PT on the knee and very gradually started running again. Osteoarthritis involves the loss of "articular" cartilage from the ends of our bones. The time varies, depending on: The meniscus is a C-shaped band of cartilage that goes around . Becareful with rehab. I had a slight meniscus tear in my right knee from a hard impact. The meniscus plays a critical role in maintaining the well being of our knees. A medial, or inner meniscus; and a lateral or outer meniscus. If it's the outer third it may heal in its own. And so I say "baloney" to the experts who say that the operation "doesn't work.". Surgery will not decrease the risk of arthritis in a runner's knee. While the meniscus does receive limited blood flow - there is still adequate blood flow to the cartilage within the outer edges. These are the kinds of tears where you can point out a single instance where you think the injury happened. Lots of ibuprofen, higher doses than I've seen you mention. CLOSE. Part of the problem was . Meniscus tears are one of the main causes of a swollen knee, as well. My doctor told me that if I ever developed arthritis, it would be in that knee first. I can tell you that you should obviously avoid any and all exercises that give you ANY pain for a few weeks (I took a month off, doing nothing but upper body/core exercises). It is a very commonly injured structure. First 3 months post-surgery was solely PT, stretching exercises, slowly being able to get a full pedal rotation on a bike, and then mobility exercises.
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