fate line starting from mount of moonchris mcdonough email address

3. The fate line starting at the base of the palm is a sign of common sense and independence using own efforts which can manifest in the choices of career. If your fate line starts from the mount of Venus, it is associated with some inherited money; it is a fortunate sign indeed. If the inclining Line of Head possesses a gentle bend downwards to the Mount of Moon (1-1) then it denotes the divergent control over your imagination. Heart line between middle and index finger. The line across the top of your palm is your heart line; underneath, rests the head line; then comes the fate line, which can start anywhere from the base of the palm; rounding out the major lines . Especially in the middle portion of the Mount. Carefully observe that your travel line goes from Moon Mount to Mercury Mount. The more the Fate Line is deeper the more the Progress in Life occurs. The fate line passes over this Mount while going towards the Mount of Saturn. 1)Fate line starting from the mount of Moon If the fate line starts from the mount of moon and goes all the way towards the Saturn mount as shown indicates that the person's fate is a lot more dependent on the help and support from others. Meaning . 4. It is incomplete if it does not reach the Saturn mount. That line is the guideline for determining its placement on the palm. A strong sun line will always compensate for a weak or non existent fate line. After joining the point if fate line is broken or weak or cuts through due to the influence of another line then it indicates the possibility of love marriage or breaks up or deception in . If the trident ends at the mount of Saturn, it significantly indicates that the person will acquire wealth through property dealings and other businesses. Other minor lines . Fate line decides whether there will be any obstacles or not in acquiring the wealth and money. The fate line palm reading (destiny line) is one of the significant palmistry lines on hands. From the Line of Life, the Line of Fate, the Plain of Mars, the Mount of the Moon, the Line of Head, and from the Line of Heart, or it may only appear as a small line on its own Mount. My apollo mount has two parallel lines going upwards, the left longer line of which forms a k-symbol, like a "v" rotated 90 degrees clockwise and attached to the right of the long line. Give great results when found on Indira Rekha (fate line), Atma Rekha (life Line), bandha rekha (Heart line) or kamala rekha (sun line). The type of business that may suit this particular person will be a trading activity . This is Fate Line which begins from " Mani Bandh " and reaches till " Shani Parvat ". This mount is surrounded by the Life line. Fate Line That Ends In A Trident. If you have twin moles on the back of the palm almost in the middle, it is an indication of good and rich life. Most palmist interprets the Sun line in hands to be the . Palmistry. It starts underneath your little finger, and runs along the side of your hand. The Mount of Neptune. It is considered as an excellent type of fate line. Hi Jena, thanks for the article. For those who do not have a fate line, this line compensates for it. The Sun Line is known by different names such as "Apollo Line", "career line", "Name and fame line". 15.Mole on Head Line: Such persons may get hurt on head and may face diseases related to brain. This type of person has a steady life, whether they have a job or not. Fate line starting/ending at a specific mount. Lines coming from the Mount of the Moon and touching the Line of Fate. From the life line, one can determine the longevity of a person. Fate Line. Undoubtedly Sun line is indicative of strength anc clarity one one's career. If the Mount is prominent and protruded then the person would be very fortunate. [Fig 7] If the Fate line on the other hand does not merge into the Heart line but abruptly stops at Heart line, then you will see failure in your love. 02 /6 The money line in our palm. Good Luck Signs After Marriage: Moon , Fate, and Sun line meet at one point Fate line goes to Jupiter Mount Fate line start from Moon Mount A line comes from Venus mount and touch Fate line Branch of marriage line 1: Moon, Fate, and Sun Line meet at one point: If an Influence line in your hand comes out of the moon mount and meets the fate line . On the Mount of Jupiter two stars and two crosses. Starting from Mount of Moon If your fate line starts from the Mount of Moon (located on the base of the palm, little finger side), it shows that you could get success owing to your good interpersonal relationship and creative talent. 16.Mole on Luck Line: Line which start anywhere in palm and end at Saturn mount, known as luck line. [Fig 8] Also, if the Fate Line is lighter and not deeper but is not broken in between and reaches . Lines rising from the Line of Life; A cross on the Mount of Venus. For the fate line to join the life line a quarter of the way up the line means that you are a . For example, an offshoot springing from the Line of Head and nearing the Mount of Mercury is a sign of scientific . Fate line starting from mount of moon. Mount of Venus - Reading and Meaning. If it starts from the mount of the Moon, it indicates success related to your creativity and your good relations and communication with people. Fate line arises from the mount of moon If fate line arises from the mount of moon, as shown in the figure, then the person will earn money depending on other's help. It is a vertical line running up the palm towards the base of the center finger. If the Fish Sign is located under the index finger, it implies strength, courage, and admiration. Continue reading . It indicates a good luck in wealth and marriage. Encyclopedia of Palmistry. A fate line that is joined to the life line shows that you are an aspirational, self-made babe. The instances and raid will follow in patches after launch. It is a sign of a very sensitive nature, possessing vivid instincts or intuitional powers, warnings, presentiments of evil, dreams, clairvoyant gifts, and often somnambulism; and this power is greatly increased if a line from the Moon's mount goes direct to the mount of Saturn (not the Fate line starting on the mount of Moon but an extra line), or if the Croix Mystique in the Quadrangle . After the age of 35, you will diversify into other fields. For instance, if a branch from this line shoots to the mount of Moon lying on the lower edge of the hand exactly opposite the thumb, it indicates an intensely vacillating nature and emotional temperament. The fourth major palm line is the fate line, which is sometimes broken, faded, or even missing . Any upward line from fate line or triangle indicates lots of money and wealth where any downward line indicates misfortune. The people with such a line always have a faithful helpmate. . If the fate line starts from Moon mount and reaches the mount of Mars (the region under the little finger and between heart & head line) so opposite sex will help the native to become successful in life. The smaller of the two lines start above the upper stroke of the "rotated v". For the fate line to start from the life line, you have experienced a restriction in your early years. Again, a well-defined Mount Moon indicates that you are fortunate. This line is . Presence Of Sun Line (Apollo line) On Palm:- The presence of well developed long elongated line is quite rare in the palm. Free online palmistry. Fatal Aneurism Caused By Gout A cross -on the Mount of the Moon and a Line of Heart broken under the Mount of the Sun. In short a very positive sign. And you must not dither or fluctuate too much thinking over questioning to watch both parts at once. In English :-. There are two divisions within this ancient science. A line or lines that are parallel to the heart line are called lines of the union, and are popularly known as lines of the marriage. 5) Island in between the Line of Marriage indicates separation for short duration. My objective is to give clarification and clear the misconception about the lines on sun mount. If fate line has an island in between, it signifies pressures and struggles preferable in middle age. Good Luck Signs After Marriage: Moon , Fate, and Sun line meet at one point Fate line goes to Jupiter Mount Fate line start from Moon Mount A line comes from Venus mount and touch Fate line Branch of marriage line 1: Moon, Fate, and Sun Line meet at one point: If an Influence line in your hand comes out of the moon mount and meets the fate line . Picture 2. When I see this triangle near the start of the Life Line (which corresponds to a young age), I expect the "easy money" to be a form of inheritance. On the base of the hands where the line of head ends, the mount of Luna or Moon may be found. . A man becomes an eminent Musician, Poet or Writer if this Mount is very prominent. The Sunline is also called the Apollo line. June 20, 2020. The area of the Venus mount rules love, passion, romance, sensuality as well as the person's physical . It is called line of Saturn because it goes to the mount of Saturn. If the fate line starts from the mount of the moon it indicates that the person will gain from the help or good wishes of women, sister, mother, wife, daughter, foreigners. . Star formation on the mount of moon indicates the person is going to be very famous because of one's powerful imagination and artistic skills. The Line is strong, the Line of Head poor, the finger of Apollo is nearly of the same length as the finger of Saturn Speculative and gambling nature risking anything. . Fate line starts from the wrist and goes vertically upwards upto the mount of Saturn crossing the Heart line. 7- On the Mount of the Moon, it indicates that the person has many opportunities for travel . [Fig 11] Fate Line starting from the Life Line A sun line from wrist till head line indicates luck and fame at very young age. Mount of Venus; Mount of Mars; Mount of the Moon, and; Mount of Apollo . Some think that the Fish Sign on the Jupiter mount is read as the evidence of resources, particularly if the Mount of Jupiter is detailed. The Sunline begins from the mount of the moon and runs till the base of the ring finger. . The mount of Venus is located on the part of the palm which is at the base of the thumb. This is a tiny triangle formed by the Fate Line, the Head Line, and a short fine line. Menu . The fate line starting at the base of the palm is a sign of common sense and independence using own efforts which can manifest in the choices of career. They achieve . (Fig 9) Fig 11 Fig 10 Starting from Mount of Venus The fate line. I have noted that a line starting near the beginning of the Life line and running close to it is generally the mother (279), as a mother's influence begins earlier in life than that of any one else. Fate line starts from/originates mount of moon. Lines And Signs On The Mount Of The Moon A single long line - A presentiment of evil. If there is mole on luck line, the life of human turned into nightmare and he may . The Line is strong with the Line of Head sloping towards the Mount of Moon, and the Mount of Moon bulging Sure sign of success through purely mental or literary pursuits. The Influence line which runs closest to the line of Life is the closest influence. If a square is present on any mount, it denotes the excess arising through the qualities of that mount. 1- if a fate line starts from mount of moon and reaches mount of saturn a person will excel in life if he goes in a profession like- teaching, journalism, consultant , sales , marketing etc etcbasically all kind of jobs related to mouth as he/she will be very good at convincing people and a very good healer as well- (provided there are more than 2) Deep down turn indicates spouse's poor health. If the fate line on your hand, starts at the wrist or a little above it, going straight to the mount of Saturn, which is right below the middle finger, you are likely to have immense wealth. A fate line starting at the Mount of Moon shows people (or public) based profession of their choosing. If it extends from the wrist to headline it shows the . However, if there is any break, cut or cross, wavy sections, island signs or black dots, then the luck is sketchy or short. The closer the fate line is to the mount of luna means the quicker the person will go off on their own, find a career path, move away from home. It should be checked carefully. It is an indication of happy married life and good relatives. If the fate line on your hand, starts at the wrist or a little above it, going straight to the mount of Saturn, which is right below the middle finger, you are likely to have immense wealth. When analyzing your hands, a palm reader will look for three basic areas: lines, mounts, and shapes. Sun Line in Palmistry. Climbing from the Mount of Moon (3-3) your Destiny or Fate may be much more exciting, variable and it depends on the caprice and fancy of other persons. If your fate line starts at the base of your palm, you will find yourself in the public eye often! If fate line starts from mount of moon (located at palm base, down to your little finger) , it signifies success from your interpersonal skills and creativity. A Line of Fate starting at the wrist and running straight up the palm, onto the Mount of Saturn indicates success and luck, providing the Line of Sun is also present. If the fate line ends in a well-formed trident, it is a clear indication that the person will become highly successful and wealthy. It shows a great success in the young age and a decline from the middle age. Sun Line - parallel to the Fate Line, under the ring finger; believed to indicate fame or scandal If this line curves very much down the Mount (4-4) then you may be the slave of your thoughts. A line down the Mourn with a short one crossing it - Tendency to chronic rheumatism or gout. Line of Fate starting from the lower Mount of the Moon and broken at 32. (Image credit: Navbharat Times) Under the fingers, on our palm, lies a deep, straight vertical line that indicates the presence of money, success and wealth in . This type of person has a steady life, whether they have a job or not. Mind over Heart : Your mount of moon and venus are highly developed. If a line emerges from head . Sun line's presense gives a boost to the existing fate line. If The Main Fate Line Is Long And The Other Is Short. Jack of many trades : Your fate line stops at the head line. November 18, 2013. this type of line will make the native a person with restless mind, their decisions are not stable, changing all the time. Comments Off on Fate Line - Type 54. Fate line is also very important. The life of life is one of the most important lines in Palmistry. If the fate line starting from mount of moon it represent that the person will have support from other especially from life partner. The Fate line. If the Fate Line is broken somewhere that it indicates the Loss of Wealth. . Fate line is also called Line of Destiny or line of Wealth. 3) If the Line of Marriage turns upwards, it indicates the the person is not happy with the relation. It indicates that you will travel and settle abroad. It is considered as the sister line to the fate line. Rising from the Line of Life (2-2, Plate XV . Starting of the Sun line from Saturn mount: it indicates Multiple source of Income. If a line is seen on this Mount and this line meets the fate line a little ahead, the person gets some post of great importance. It is said that these individuals will also travel a lot, but unfortunately, they will have an unsatisfied married life. . The drooping head line that goes to the mount of Moon and is afflicted by other unfavorable sign, such as the start, cross, island or dot bring bad results. 14.Mole on life Line: Such persons may be patients of disease T.B. * A chained line at the end results in impairment of mental faculties. Mole on mount of MOON, lines on mount of MOON, trident , star, cross, triangle on mount of MOON. It starts from the inside of the palm and ends near the line of life and extends to the outside of the palm. Alchemy and the four elements are also related to Palmistry, and when . Again, ensure that your travel line is deep, clear, straight, and well-developed. When a square lies outside the line of life in the plain of Mars, it represents the imprisonment or seclusion from the world. When you start a palm reading, it is fundamental to consider which of the person's hands is the dominant and the non-dominant hand and start the analysis with the dominant one. On the Line of Fate, It could be a period in which the individual finds himself surrounded with mounting debts that peak at the widest point of the island.These misfortunes will last to the extent that the island is long. It starts from the middle point between the Index Finger and the Thumb and travels towards the edge of the palm near the bracelet [Picture 1]. Lord of the Rings Online: Fate of Gundabad expansion is scheduled for release on November 10th, 2021. When a square is present on the mount of Jupiter, it depicts protection from the ambition of the subject. . This planet shows its influence from . Fate Line starting from Mount of Moon If the Fate Line starts from Mount of Moon and there is horizontal line on the Mount of Moon, it indicates earnings in a foreign land. Palmistry-Astrology.com. If your fate line starting from Mount of Moon which ends on Mount of Sun instead of Mount of Saturn then it indicates artistic nature, inclination towards signing, acting, music, etc and also indicates successful career in film industry, literature, art and music, etc. The area of this planet on the palm is below the head line and above the Mount of Moon. A fate line starting at the Mount of Moon shows people (or public) based profession of their choosing. The Luna (or Moon) mount runs along the outside of your palm. and if the fate line sta. It is a sign of a very sensitive nature, possessing vivid instincts or intuitional powers, warnings, presentiments of evil, dreams, clairvoyant gifts, and often somnambulism; and this power is greatly increased if a line from the Moon's mount goes direct to the mount of Saturn (not the Fate line starting on the mount of Moon but an extra line), or if the Croix Mystique in the Quadrangle . If the Fate line is starting from the Mount of Moon and merging nicely into the Heart line, you are likely to have a love affair which becomes successful. (Fig 1) Starting from the Palm Base and Ending at the Center of the Hand. If Your Apollo line parallel to Fate line then native will start getting success and fame from 28th year of life. If your fate line is located at a good place while the influence line from a mount of the moon comes and joins the fate line then it symbolizes love marriage. Fate Line; Children Line; Foreign Travel lines; Health Line; Heart Line; Life Line; Marriage Line; Sun Line; Other minor lines; Basic details about lines and mounts . Moles found on the middle of the palm on the right hand side of the line are auspicious. Updated on June 25, 2019. If your heart line ends between your middle and index finger, it suggests a person of good and sound character, a faithful lover who will enjoy success . The place of this Mount is a little above the bracelets, dividing the Mounts of Venus and Moon and is near the starting point of the fate line. These are as follows: * A line at the end of the head line drooping to the mount of moon-insanity. . "A lady had a long love affair with a prom-inent man; it ended in separation at 32. It is a prominent sign that you will go abroad to study abroad. The fate line runs from the bottom of the palm near the wrist, up through the center of the palm towards the middle finger. Chiromancy deals with the lines on the palm and chirognomy deals with the shape of the hands and the color, shape and texture of the palm, fingers and thumb. Chandra or sign of a moon denotes courage and . A sun line starting from the base of the palm and goes straight to the Mount of Moon (located below the ring finger) is thought to be auspicious. For instance, if a branch from this line shoots to the mount of Moon lying on the lower edge of the hand exactly opposite the thumb, it indicates an intensely vacillating nature and emotional temperament. If the fate line starts from the Mount of Moon, then the person will be rich and wealthy. This may be mother, father, a brother or a sister. A good Line of the Sun islanded all through the Quad-rangle. In the event of delay, you will receive the expansion items no later than December 10th, 2021. Ancient palmists considered it as a sign of insanity or danger from water.One needs to cross check with the headline before coming to this conclusion. Of the four major lines, the first three (heart, head, and life) should be relatively easy for you to locate on your hands. If it is flat on the hand, the mount of Moon becomes negative in the sphere of love, duty and . 4) Small branches falling down from the Line of Marriage are strong indicator for spouse's poor state of health. ), it promises success from whatever the life is that is led, but not from "luck." The Lord of the Rings Online: Fate of Gundabad is available in English, French, and German. Palmistry reveals individual personality and character traits through the study of the shape, size and lines of the hands and fingers. If fate line breaks in starting part, it indicates problematic childhood. This indication is also good for govt job. The person goes abroad and stays there for a considerable period earning a good amount of money. It starts in mount of moon and ends near base of apollo (ring) finger. (Jupiter mount): a) Starting from Atma rekha (Life line) 5-10 fine lines will reach the Pithru Sthan (Mount of Jupiter) . But there is a subsidiary line starting from the head line rises to the heart line. A black spot on the head line shows accidents and injury to the head. The . Tagged absence of fate line, break in fate line, broken fate line, double fate line, fate line, fate line age, fate line analysis, fate line branches, fate line from mount of moon, fate line in hand reading, fate line on . Mounts In . The beginning stage can be anyplace from the base of the palm (a large portion of the individuals discover it starts from the center part). A drooping Line of Head. Shorter lines indicate only an influence amorous relationship. The mount of Moon is related with faculties of imaginative nature, therefore the mount of Moon indicates poetry, romance, emotional temperament, travel etc.