The United Nations deemed it better if anomalies were destroyed so no one can exploit them, rather than containing them as the Foundation does, creating the GOC. As a result, in 1943, Three Portlands came under attack by a joint force between the Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps and Thule Society, who apportated onto the Isle of Portland and opened a Way into the city, with the intention of seizing the International Center for the Study of Unified Thaumatology campus and looting the AOI storehouse there. Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps (Oficial) Obskurakorps (1938-1945) Líder: "El Fürher" Descripción: OBSKURA en la organizacion sucesora de la Obskurakorps fundada durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la "Séptima Guerra Oculta" como una organizacion creada en conjunto con la Sociedad Thule, era el grupo militar paranormal de las SS Ahnenerbe de la . ijamea jp 中心 九十九機關 五行結社 判官會 合作 待更新 扶桑紀 故事 日奉一族 晴明院 理外研 翻譯 艦政本部對超常課 艦隊 蒐集院 負號部隊 遠野妖怪保護區 陰陽寮. 全球超自然联盟是一个由Kain Pathos Crow在SCP基金会维基早期创造的一个相关组织。受到一个关于苏联红军于1950年代弒神的creepypasta所启发,它设定了在超自然世界中的另外一个,但同样强大的势力的存在。 Follow @TreaderKek and share this group! He is first encountered in SCP-1982, a tent covering a church that although it appears empty, voices of the attendants who had entered inside after being invited by Horace could be heard. There is a fight between AOI ( Allied Occult Initiative) and the Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps, (They are an Nazi Cultists organization) the AO have to give supernatural powers, by the Rite of Solomon at the Nazist Command. Having trouble finding your frens? 五重使命. Inspirado por un creepypasta sobre cómo el Ejército Rojo Soviético asesinó a Dios en los años 50, postula la existencia de una fuerza separada, pero igualmente poderosa en el mundo paranormal. Originally founded in 1119 "The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon" , and disbanded in 1312 in by Pope Clement Remerged during World War II/the Seventh Occult War, opposing the Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps and joined the GOC after the war. Nas décadas de 1950 a 1980, a Fundação também descobriria o ressurgimento do Sarkismo , com anomalias devastadoras na Europa como SCP-610 e SCP-2191-3 , bem como cultos como Adytum's Wake e The Hunter's Black Lodge espalhando sua influência. A Fundação também descobriria várias anomalias ligadas a um antigo e malévolo ser sobrenatural . The Lost and the Damned is the fraction in the Forces of Chaos openly given to the multitude of fractions that have turned to Chaos, the vast majority of whom are the ordinary mortals, mutants and other species fighting for Chaos. The Seventh Occult War was an Occult War that happened during the Second World War, this war started because of the SS Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps and the Thule-Gesselschaft. 콜드 하퍼 사건. Ahnenerbe Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps SCP Foundation Administrative Department Department of Task Forces Mobile Task Forces Mu-2 "Moot Point" Naval Task Forces Upsilon-5 "Tom Clancy's Upsilon-Five" Provisional Task Forces Kappa-1 "Sherman's March" Special Task Forces Delta-3 "Solomon's Hand" Training Task Forces Null-0 "A Bunch Of Zeroes" 1.Un Grupo de Interés considerado como sucesor de la Sociedad Thule y del Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps, se originó como el brazo esotérico de ODESSA antes de su eventual deserción de ODESSA tras la adquisición de varios objetos anómalos.Otros objetos anómalos relacionados con OBSKURA y sus predecesores incluyen a SCP-2893, SCP-3878. 基金会参加了第七次超自然战争(与第二次世界大战同时进行),虽然它在战争中的作用尚不清楚,但据推测他们正在与试图执行"仪式"的Thule Society和Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps作战所罗门"。最终,战争结束,基金会继续履行其正常的收容职责。 924. 9. It was founded after the Seventh Occult War/WWII. So, the Seventh Occult War is in the same timeline as WW2. 1942년 쇼와 일칠년: 삼천기관이 수집원의 원조 하에 설립되다. 황기 2600년을 축하하다. Researchers On Site. Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps Thule Society OBSKURA Scarlet Hammer Serpent's Hand Soviet Government KGB Division of Special Circumstances United Nations Global Occult Coalition Council of 108 Bavarian Illuminati Holy Order of Knights Templar, Reformed International Center for the Study of Unified Thaumatology Servants of the Silicon Nornir SCP 재단 에서 툴레 협회 와 함께 등장하는 나치 독일의 오컬트 조직 "아넨에르베 암흑군단 (Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps)"이 아넨에르베 소속이다. L'origine est encore inconnue. Contents 1 History 1.1 World War II 1.2 OBSKURA 2 Quotes History World War II This experiment caused him to have a long if not infinite lifespan. He is the director of the Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps, the occult branch of the Nazi-regime. Join. Các đối tượng bất thường khác liên . Despite . Other anomalous objects related to OBSKURA and its predecessors include SCP-2893, SCP-3878. Il peut se déplacer à une très grande vitesse et peut briser la nuque de toute forme de vie. En el transcurso de los dos meses siguientes, durante el tratamiento, SCP-PL-067 emitió constantemente ruidos anteriormente atribuidos a la resignación, el arrepentimiento y la . Eine Reihe von Geschichten, jedes davon schildert eine Mission im Leben einer verschiedenen Perspektive der Global Occult Coalition. "Tajné archivy" České Větve SCP Nadace odtajněny jen pro vaše pobavení. C'est le principal antagoniste du jeu SCP - Containment Breach. A Occult group based in the indian subcontinent, it is a group of holy men and agnostic Adherents that belive meditation and Temperance are need to see and understand the true face of the universe. PoI-7701: Dr. Madison Craggs, an agent of the Chaos Insurgency. Biography Anexo 067-03: El 02/08/2017 SCP-PL-067 apareció en la puerta del Sitio-214 y se entregó voluntariamente a la custodia de la Fundación. 2. Являетесь ли вы новобранцем отдела physics . The Nazi Cult needed seven keys, but they only found six keys. La Ahnenerbe Obskurakorp fue formada en 1933, fue principalmente formada por lo que quedaba de la "Sociedad Thule" (un grupo de nobleza Alemana) bajo Heinrich Himmler para investigar e usar Anomalías para ganar la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 1. r/SCP. 평가 - 평가조 "스파크플러그"가 새 조원와 함께 첫 임무을 수행하고, 평의회의 정치질이 그 추한 . Nowadays they mainly serve as . Share. Just like the Abwehr andAhnenerbe." Objected Matthew. Lagebeurteilung - Lagebeurteilungsmannschaft „Sparkplug (Zündkerze)" geht auf ihre erste Mission mit einem neuen Mitglied und Ratspoltik zeigt ihr hässliches Gesicht. PoI-93: Grand Karcist Ion, principal member of Sarkicism. They were enemies with both the SCP Foundation and the Allied Occult Initiative, the precursor to the GOC. PoI-018747: Konrad Weiss, Director of Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps. Opened File: The Lost and the Damned. The SCP Foundation is the name of an online site revolving around the SCP Foundation, a fictional, secretive and powerful organization based in the containment of anomalous creatures, objects, etc. The Holy Order of Knights Templar, Reformed is one of the 108 member states of the Global Occult Coalition. 在1312年因为克勉十世颁发了教皇诏书至高之声而解散:残党一直避世到1939年直到第二次世界大战中的敌对行动开始,并在第七次超自然战争期间成为了Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps的主要反对势力之一。圣殿骑士团存在更像是一个牧师和神父的教团,其军事职能主要由物理 . \n\n\n* * * [[/folder]] [[folder:† ]]! A Group of Interest regarded as a successor of the Thule Society and Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps, it originated as the esoteric arm of ODESSA prior to its eventual defection from ODESSA upon acquisition of several anomalous objects. 1940년 쇼와 일오년: 일독이 3국간 조약이 체결되다. Los Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps habían estado al tanto de la anomalía SCP-4246 desde al menos principios de la década de 1930 y, sin que la Fundación lo supiera, habían llevado a cabo sus propias investigaciones sobre el fenómeno. SCP-3878 을 개발하거나, SCP-2430 에 쓰인 제림나르를 보유하고 있었으며, SCP-4217 같은 나치를 위한 무기를 개발하기도 하였다 . There are SCPs in the Foundation universe that were inspired by H. P. Lovecraft or are themselves. ; Einsatz - Einsatzmannschaft „Broken Dagger (Zerbrochener Dolch)" tretet so . One of the most powerful global conspiracies, and a major supporter of the Global Occult Coalition The International Center for the Study of Unified Thaumatology Contained Anomalies. Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps: Anderson Robotics: Church of the Broken God: … Job Description . Após a guerra, os países queriam mais supervisão sobre os anômalos, e como a Fundação SCP (que já existia naquela época) era uma organização mais privada, e nenhum país era confiável . SCP-808 is a modern, civilian-oriented screeching mecha, captured by the Foundation before completion. Konrad Weiss is an antagonist in SCP mythos. 1.Un Gruppo di Interesse ritenuto essere un successore della Società di Thule e della Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps, nato come braccio esoterico dell'ODESSA prima della sua defezione definitiva da questa a seguito dell'acquisizione di numerosi oggetti anomali.Altri oggetti anomali relativi a OBSKURA e ai suoi predecessori includono SCP-2893, SCP-3878. Вы здесь потому, что вы хотите узнать больше. von Clef. Il s'agit d'un être de niveau Keter et de la progéniture du Roi écarlate et de la 4ème . 1. Right Wing Twitter Refugees on Gab. r/SCP. Created Aug 11, 2009. Ahnenerbe and the Tomb of the Gods []. Other anomalous objects related to OBSKURA and its predecessors include SCP-2893, SCP-3878. This then . 924. Though the AOI was dissolved with the SCP Foundation rising as the sole guardian of humanity from the anomalous, many countries and organizations wanted some control over the Foundation due to their vast power. La Coalición Oculta Global fue un Grupo de Interés creado por Kain Pathos Crow durante los primeros días de la wiki de la Fundación. Word of God says that it's more of a parade float than anything practical. Jobs View All Jobs . by 클레프. "Hey, Obskurakorps were awesome! Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction project | Po wojnie kraje chciały mieć większy nadzór nad anomaliami, a ponieważ Fundacja SCP (która już wtedy istniała) była organizacją bardziej prywatną i żadnemu krajowi nie ufano w . The Ahnenerbe ( German: [ˈʔaːnənˌʔɛʁbə], ancestral heritage) operated as a think tank in Nazi Germany between 1935 and 1945. 关于GOC. Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps, SAPPHIRE The Global Occult Coalition (GOC) is a major power on Earth and the rival organization of the SCP Foundation. C) There are far more evil factions, parties, cabals, and groups struggling for power than you can reasonably keep straight. SCP-173 est un SCP de classe Euclide et le tout premier à être capturé par la Fondation SCP. A través del análisis de SCP-4246-1 y sus visiones, pudieron deducir que esta parte de la Antártida tenía algo . 다양한 이야기. Vox Day on Gab: 'Some useful reminders for the retarded. 2. Weltkrieg im Geheimen, wonach sie zu einem der größten Gegenkräfte gegen das Ahnenerbe-Obskurakorps während des Siebten Okkulten Krieges wurden. A Group of Interest regarded as a successor of the Thule Society and Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps, it originated as the esoteric arm of ODESSA prior to its eventual defection from ODESSA upon acquisition of several anomalous objects. Posted: (6 days ago) The Secure Containment Procedures Foundation, abbreviated SCP Foundation, is an organization dedicated to the apprehension and containment of . Damn, must have been a hell of a time." "Yeah, but Matthew come on, they were Germans in WW2. 1900年 明治三十三年: 七月八日: 軍医少尉凍霧天、「縫合線虫」を発見。 七月九日: 凍霧天、永山教経軍曹の葬儀に参列: 1901年 明治三四年: 異常事例調査局の成長により、陰陽寮が解散に追い込まれる。 Puntuación: 0 + - x. Referencias. Share. In 1936, Friedrich von Hassell of the Ahnenerbe began tracking down the three pieces of the key to the Tomb of the Gods.After possibly obtaining the piece owned by Marwell O'Brien, von Hassell's men tried to get the piece from Henrik Mellberg in New York City.However, Mellberg suspected that they were on his trail after losing touch with O'Brien, and . They were our folks' enemy." "Ah c' mon, it's the past." Protested Matthew. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction project | El sujeto estaba fuertemente herido y sufría la enfermedad de la radiación. The Foundation took part in the Seventh Occult War (which ran concurrent with the Second World War/ Second Uti'lit Earth Civil War), and while its role in the war was not known, it is presumed they were fighting the Thule Society and Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps, who tried to perform the "Rite of Solomon". Created Aug 11, 2009. Uważa się, że jego pierwotnym celem było przechwycenie świadomości demiurga stworzonego poprzez ukończenie Rytuału Salomona, a następnie wykorzystanie go przez siły radzieckie do związania magii z ich rządami, jak początkowo planowało Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps w czasie wojny. Một Bên Đáng Lưu Tâm được coi là những kẻ kế thừa của Cộng đồng Thule và Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps, nó có nguồn gốc như một nhánh ẩn danh của ODESSA trước khi nhánh này đào thoát khỏi ODESSA sau khi mua lại một số vật thể bất thường. reorganizada GRU, como Divisão "P" - Psicotrônicos, trabalhando para contra-atacar ameaças anômalas da SS, Ahnenerbe, e o Vaticano, e para capturar e estudar artefatos anômalos tanto locais quanto distantes, . The Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps, also known as Obskuracorps, were the occult branch of the Nazi-regime during the the 7th Occult War, which ran concurrent with the 2nd World War. Join. Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps byla paranormální větev SS a jedna z primárních agresorů Sedmé okultní války. Asistovala jim Společnost Thule, skupina německých okultistů s vazbami k nacistům. Codename: Unsterblicher Soldat. He is the unofficial and mysterious leader of the Fifth Church. O GOC já foi conhecido como Iniciativa Oculta Aliada, que lutou contra o Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps na Sétima Guerra Oculta/Segunda Guerra Mundial. 588k. 異常事務調査局正式被廢除。. …Ils étaient… dégoûtants… SCP-682, également connu sous le nom de Reptile difficile à détruire, est un SCP et l'un des SCP les plus connus et les plus dangereux dont la Fondation SCP a sa charge. D) "We have to stick together" is a line from a Disney superhero movie, it's neither an . B) Not everything that happens is the result of a cunning plan by the nefarious elite. Il est fait de béton et de barres d'armature avec des traces de peinture en aérosol de la marque Krylon . The GOC was founded in 1945 CE after the Seventh Occult War between the Allied Occult Initiative (AOI) and the SS Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps. Horace is most often . Report Save. Would work better as a counterpart of what's left of Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps imo. If I remember correctly, the GOC was created in direct response to the SCP Foundation after WWII because the Nazis came pretty close to weaponizing anomalies with Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps. Die Tempelritter bestehen heute zum größten Teil als ein Orden von Kaplanen und Priestern, ihre militärischen Aufgaben wurden größtenteils mit der PHYSICS-Abteilung ersetzt. GKO było niegdyś znane jako Aliancka Inicjatywa Okultystyczna, która walczyła z Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps w VII wojnie okultystycznej / II wojnie światowej. MTF- Divisão Combate Obskurakorps Theta-18 antissemitica. Age: Unknown. Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps: Anderson Robotics: Church of the Broken God: Broken Church: Clockwork . Ain't our folks. Biography: 8854 is German soldier from WW2 which was supposedly part of an experiment. 希姆莱,赫尔曼沃斯,和理查德瓦尔特达雷组成的Ahnenerbe的目标,是研究人类学和雅利安种族的文化历史,以意图证明史前神话中北欧人口曾经统治 . Chapter Text. !-->'''Played by:''' ->----* * * [[/folder]] [[folder:]]! Humongous Mecha: SCP-2406 is the (potentially reparable) wreck of one used for war by the Church thousands of years ago. 588k. Their job was to get the higher advantage then others of the destruction to LTE-0913-Ex-Machina, they wanted to gain more power by completing the Rite of Solomon. Join this group! Fundacja brała udział w VII Wojnie Okultystycznej (która przebiegała równolegle z II wojną światową) i chociaż jej rola w tej wojnie nie była znana, przypuszcza się, że walczyli ze Społeczeństwem Thule i Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps, którzy próbowali wykonać "Rytuał Salomona". Researchers On Site. page revision: 30, 最後編輯於: 8 Mar 2022, 08:03 (87 days 前) 編輯 評分 ( +6 . PoI-1115: Vincent Anderson, Founder of Anderson Robotics. 1941년 쇼와 일육년: 태평양전쟁이 개전하다. They re-emerged during World War Two/the Seventh Occult War, declaring their opposition to the Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps, after which they became members of the United Nations (UN) Global Occult Coalition (GOC). ↑ Un Grupo de Interés considerado ser el sucesor de la Sociedad Thule y Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps, el cual se originó del brazo esotérico de ODESSA antes de su eventual deserción tras la adquisición de varios objetos anómalos por parte de ODESSA.Otros objetos anómalos relacionados a OBSKURA y sus predecesores incluyen a SCP-2893 y SCP-3878.